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Percussion Stories - Vol 2 - Evolution

This album explores the richness of world percussion, blending various instruments from different continents. It dissolves musical and ethnic boundaries, creating unexpected sounds and rhythmic dance. The music, entirely acoustic, evokes warm and illustrative atmospheres for audiovisual imagery. This new chapter invites listeners on a captivating sonic journey.

추천 앨범

앨범 제목 대체 . 소요시간 작곡가/아티스트 설명 키워드 Key BPM
EOS128 War Path
[EOS128 - 1]
0 2'00 Laurent Dury, Sébastien Gisbert Warlike, stubborn & tribal. Taiko, bass drum, tom, tam, timpani, ... 타악기 앙상블 영향력 있는 완고한 야만적인 ... Fm 140
EOS128 Evolution
[EOS128 - 2]
0 2'20 Laurent Dury, Sébastien Gisbert Circular, bright & lively. Kalimba, kess kess, chime, guiro, ... 산자 순환 의문 신비한 ... Am 135
EOS128 Rain Man
[EOS128 - 3]
0 2'03 Laurent Dury, Sébastien Gisbert On hold & with suspense. Timpani, taiko, stick, wood block. 대기 중 영향력 있는 야만적인 타악기 앙상블 ... Em 110
EOS128 Rhythm Dance
[EOS128 - 4]
0 1'44 Laurent Dury, Sébastien Gisbert Urgent, lively & tribal. Berimbau, shaker, metal percussion, ... 긴급한 단호한 완고한 영향력 있는 ... Bbm 130
EOS128 Falling Lights
[EOS128 - 5]
0 2'09 Laurent Dury, Sébastien Gisbert Enigmatic, waiting & nocturnal. Crotale, bell tree, gazophone, ... 의문 열대림 신비한 이국적인 ... Cm 125
EOS128 Follow Me
[EOS128 - 6]
0 1'57 Laurent Dury, Sébastien Gisbert Choppy, jerky & insistent. Timpani, taiko, toms, bongo, bell, metal ... 단호한 영향력 있는 민속 타악기 앙상블 활기찬 ... Abm 118
EOS128 Little Feet
[EOS128 - 7]
0 2'04 Laurent Dury, Sébastien Gisbert Mysterious, shy, then lively. Pandeiro cuadrado, bongo, drum, guiro, ... 박자 야만적인 아프리카 타악기 앙상블 ... Am 185
EOS128 Flowing Free
[EOS128 - 8]
0 2'25 Laurent Dury, Sébastien Gisbert Cyclic, fluid & fast. Marimba, xylophone, crotale, shaker, djembe, ... 이국적인 단호한 의문 마림바 ... G 135
EOS128 Dribble
[EOS128 - 9]
0 1'41 Laurent Dury, Sébastien Gisbert Lively, bouncy & repetitive. Taiko, bass drum, hi-hat, metal barrel, ... 영향력 있는 완고한 단호한 지정학 ... Abm 143
EOS128 Floating
[EOS128 - 10]
0 3'08 Sébastien Gisbert Mysterious, introspective & suspended. Hang, shaker, rod stick, toms, ... 신비한 행드럼 의문 수사 ... Dm 120
EOS128 Chinese Pearls
[EOS128 - 11]
0 1'36 Laurent Dury, Sébastien Gisbert Bouncy, lively & oriental. Tabla, gong, bells, rek & Chinese cymbal. 단호한 이국적인 완고한 아프리카 ... Dm 80
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